Aksel Kolstad

Aksel Kolstad

The pianist Aksel Kolstad is far more than just a pianist; he is recognized for his groundbreaking classical music and humorous shows, both nationally and internationally.

Kolstad has filled numerous theaters at Chat Noir in Oslo with his explosive and energetic "The Aksel Kolstad Show." Aksel speaks six languages and is definitely worth a Google or YouTube search!

In addition to being an internationally acclaimed classical pianist and composer with a formidable global career, Aksel Kolstad is an outstanding master of ceremonies and speaker. He made his debut at Carnegie Hall in New York in 2010 to a full house and standing ovation.

Often referred to as the contemporary Victor Borge, Aksel Kolstad, like the legendary Danish world star, infuses humor into his solo concerts. The New York Times has praised Kolstad as one of the few in the world who conveys classical music the way he does.

Photo: Jörg Wiesner

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